Concrete Flooring & Countertops
Most concrete contractors offer concrete flooring services, but few will take on the responsibility of doing such delicate work as concrete countertops. Building and retouching concrete countertops is a job that requires special tools and years of expertise, especially in a furnished home. An imbalance in tools or a moment’s distraction can have disastrous consequences for the furniture and walls in your house. Our team of concrete contractors is trained to be able to do delicate work without causing collateral damage. We are experienced in building concrete interior finishes from scratch as well as more complex repairs.
Flooring Concrete flooring is one of the most durable and practical materials you can build your home of. Besides being a sturdy option, concrete floors are easy to clean and almost impossible to damage. You no longer have to worry about high-heel scratches, paw marks, or furniture dents. Concrete floors are also easier to clean and more impermeable to moisture. If you are worried about the aesthetic of concrete flooring, worry no longer! We have an array of concrete stains and stamps that you can choose from to match your floors to your style. Click on our Decorative Concrete page for more information. Kitchen Countertops Installing concrete kitchen countertops or repairing them is a delicate task that not all concrete contractors are up to. Many times, kitchen counter surfaces are the last thing to get done in the construction process, meaning that contractors must enter a finished home to get the job done. This can create the risk for collateral home damage that Denton Concrete Works are trained to avoid. After installing your counters and making sure the entire surface is even and polished, we can decorate the surface with stamps or stains that match your style and preferences, personalizing your space to your vision. Bathroom Countertops Concrete countertops are one of the most durable, practical materials on the market. Bathrooms are spaces full of moisture and steep temperature changes that other materials may not adapt well to. Tiles and hardwood are breeding grounds for mold and mildew and can lead to health hazards in the long run. Concrete surfaces do not run these risks, making it a great option for you. Concrete is also easier to clean and almost impossible to mistreat. Clean Up At Denton Concrete Works, we recognize the responsibility our work entails, especially when we enter into your house. Your home is the safe haven you have created for yourself, away from the busy world. For this reason, we are committed to respecting all rooms and furniture in your house and making sure nothing is damaged while we do our job. Concrete construction is a messy endeavor. We are also committed to cleaning up afterwards and making sure your kitchen, bathroom, or living space where we worked is as spotless as when we first walked in. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and quality service and hope you are satisfied with our job. |